Maya Lesson 3


Near Preferences button “Key” symbol – Auto Keyframe (Leave it on)
4th Down on the left hand side – Splits interface into two levels

Dope Sheet
K – Scrub
W – Move – If a White dot appears
R – Scale
Paste [ ] – Turn off “Connect”

Graph Editor

A – Frames all curves
Black dots – Keyframes (Value | and Time ->)
Alt – Zoom in/out
Middle Click – Manipulate handle

Unified Tangent – Effecting other keyframes – Result “Break Tangent” or “Free Tangent” (which allows you to get a more exaggerated curve)
Linear – Robotic movements
Block out – Keyframes

Using the golf ball exercise we had done the week before we used the graph window to improve the performance. The graph made the overall scene look more natural as I was able to increase and decrease the speed of the ball.


For homework we were given a hammer and a nail to work on (animate). Using the graph editor we had to animate the hammer hitting the nail into a plank of wood. I still need to get the hang of using the graph editor, I found it difficult to use it during this task.


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